Premiere 5!

After the scintillating gala performance 5! in honour of JBA’s 5th jubileum, Antwerp dignitaries, press and the young company’s many faithful supporters are treated to a bountiful reception on the premises of the first floor of hetpaleis. Expertly organised for the occasion by JBA co-founder Irma Swijnen and administrative assistant Inge Heylen, in an appropriately gold-decorated room, the champagne flowed, the celebratory cakes were cut and JBA directors Alain Honorez and Altea Nuñez greeted the many guests. These included sponsors, choreographers and teachers as well as parents of the dancers who had flown in from far and wide, everyone savouring the chance to get together, to exchange remarks about the magic of the evening, reflect on JBA’s 5 enormously successful years and the promise of the future yet to come.

© Nicha Rodboon