Dancers at Junior Ballet Antwerp

SEASON 2023-2024

Lauren Alving


“The varied learning experiences which JBA is able to offer are invaluable! I hope to learn from my mistakes and develop into a trustworthy artist who can be of added value to a company. With its fine team of teachers, coaches, and choreographers, I'm positive that JBA will help me develop the skills needed for a professional dancer today.”

Soazig Drion


“Now that I have joined Junior Ballet Antwerp I hope to strengthen my classical technique as well as my musicality and of course to enrich my dancing by exploring the different qualities of contemporary choreographies.”

Rinka Matsuura


“Encountering Junior Ballet Antwerp was the most important thing to happen to me - my very first talk with Alain Honorez and Altea Nuñez (a zoom audition) confirmed this; the feeling was mutual as they sensed my positive energy and dedication through the computer.”

Ella Matthews


“Because it offers a smaller environment, at JBA there is room for more feedback and out of this improvement should be inevitable. I feel JBA is a nurturing, loving place which is the kind of atmosphere needed to enable a dancer to fulfill their full potential. Aside, the JBA training program offers the wealth of top-class professionals - teachers, choreographers and coaches - whom they bring in to work with the dancers”.

Maja Grubić


“During a summer dance course in Prague, I had heard about JBA from another JBA dancer and this made me aware of what Europe had to offer. At the same time I graduated at age 17 and did not feel ready to dive into a full-time career. I am also aware that companies today hesitate in signing up young dancers with so little experience. What JBA offers - strong training in different choreographic styles, performing experience, personal coaching in a small supportive environment - the two years in Antwerp is an ideal transition period for me!”

Mackennzie Mount


“I had heard - through the ballet network - about JBA, what it had to offer and how the graduating dancers found their career places in some very interesting and important companies. It was the chance to dance with diverse choreographers, learn new repertoire and be guided to reach my full potential as a dancer, which determined myself to audition for JBA!”

Seohyun Mo


“The JBA program was a further choice because of the diverse repertoire offered during a two-year course. I hope to learn more about myself here, to become stronger mentally as well as physically and to discover what I really like and wish to dance.”

James Cooper


“Having followed JBA on social media and heard very positive reports about it through a mutual friend, I auditioned and was accepted. What struck me forcibly at the audition was the personal feedback from both Alain and Altea: this strong focus on the nurturing of the individual dancer has been confirmed in the short time I have spent with JBA.”

Sora Nishida


“On completion of my final Antwerp year, I auditioned for JBA and I realized that two years of further training and performing with them would greatly improve not only my contemporary vocabulary but also my classical technique.”

Lizé Mentz


“I knew that I wanted to continue my training at JBA after seeing Dance Europe’s film of the rehearsals for their production of Cinderella. I felt inspired by the passion, artistry and attention to detail of JBA and I feel that JBA will help me develop and grow into a dancer who can reach the audience through artistry and passionate storytelling. Furthermore, the support and career guidance of the teaching faculty is invaluable.”

Letizia Austoni


“Although my reasons initially were because of the large repertoire JBA offers, as well as the chance to work with so many choreographers and coaches, in the short space of time I have spent in Antwerp I fully appreciate JBA’s healthy work environment. It is safe here to learn from my mistakes and not be judged on them. Moreover I feel the JBA teachers get to know the talents (and faults) of all their dancers and to work with each one of them in an individual fashion. I hope during my period here to become ‘an aware dancer with a mature way of moving’, to pick up and assimilate new styles very quickly and also to release tension ‘to let go‘ and express my enjoyment in dancing.”

Tilly Wightman


“I fully appreciate JBA’s fresh outlook and their approach to training young dancers for a professional career. The varied repertoire which incorporates a wide range of both classical and modern styles is most advantageous in the dance arena of today. I hope the JBA experience will strengthen me in every possible way so that I’m ready the professional work.”