Seohyun Mo

The home city of tall, slender Seohyun is Seoul, the capital of South Korea. She was a very energetic 4yr old and as she honestly admits, like many young ones ‘very active and a bit of a troublemaker!’ For this reason her mother started her on martial arts training (Taikwando) hoping to instill some discipline into her daughter. When this didn’t work out, they tried ballet (also for discipline!) something which definitely suited the child. While in high school, she furthered her dance training at the KNIGA (Korean National Institute for Gifted in Arts) under a full scholarship.
Her parents felt that because she was talented, it would be best for her to continue dancing abroad and Seohyun was accepted into the University of Music and Performing Arts (Ballet Academy) in Munich, where she graduated, having studied from 2019-2023. During her studies there her repertoire covered both classical and contemporary dance.

Seohyun: “The JBA program was a further choice because of the diverse repertoire offered during a two-year course. I hope to learn more about myself here, to become stronger mentally as well as physically and to discover what I really like and wish to dance.”

Again, in an honest fashion, she admits to not having any favorite ballets or dancers. This is refreshing – it does point to the fact that she is open to whatever is offered and to what the future holds. Seohyun says that when dancing, she can truly be herself and forget everything else expected of her; she can be ‘anyone and anything’. Her dream to dance has value – something her parents taught her – if it is used for the benefit of others. Dancing therefore gives her a brightness which she wishes to share with as many people possible.

©Filip Van Roe